Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas in November?!

So mom came into town about 3 weeks ago and with her she brought all these christmas decorations that my Aunt Sandy gave Mary and I. Because our apartment is so small we had them sitting out in plain view ever since and they have been whispering to us every time we saw them telling us to put them up! So we justified putting them up two weeks before the official "after thanksgiving so it's ok to put up the decorations" date because we figured we would only be able to enjoy them for two weeks before we went back down to Utah for X-mas break :)



I talked with Dad while writing this post and he mentioned how he was feeling "jolly" this year and wanted to decorate early on the 22nd... the 22nd of December! I realized that our over-compensation with decorating may be caused by Dad making us wait so long every year! Merry early Christmas!


Courtney said...

hey i found your blog and wanted to let you know we have one too!! i love the christmas decoratons!! so fun on such a tight budget
courtney mattoon

Jenna said...

oh wow! how fun though! my family had a snow village - and we would add a new building to it every year. it's fun to see you have one!